
There is nothing more pleasant than going for a walk at sunset and never having to deal with flying cockroaches all around you. Seattle stands out in that premise even in busier commercial areas, and it probably won’t slow down so soon. It may be not the cleanest city in the world but Seattle has […]

In many places, the sightseeing of a gecko may lead to some running, screams, and drama. But you should stop for a moment and remember this. While you sleep and do other house chores, a gecko might be saving your life! Don’t you believe me? Keep reading then. Did you know that the common house

Cockroaches don’t just travel miles for no reason, although it may seem completely random sometimes, that is not really the case. Common cockroaches are attracted to human foods, just like other pests. Honey is one of the many foods that attract cockroaches, common cockroaches are able to taste it and eat it. And they’ll be

Cockroaches are pests that are capable of wreaking havoc in homes. These creatures are able to destroy everything in their path, not to mention the diseases and allergic reactions they will bring along. If you happen to encounter one of them in your hour of need, you might try to use deodorant just to make

Cockroaches are amazing creatures, but most homeowners just want them away because of the health and safety risk they represent, to human health. The allergens released by a cockroach infestation can cause allergies and asthma, and that for sure is reason enough to keep them away. These insects have strange habits, but the fact is,

Cockroaches can be a total nightmare, they are filthy and disgusting. They can ruin your belongings and your household. And in fact, you are running against time, when it comes to getting rid of them. One of the fastest ways to kill cockroaches is by using hydrogen peroxide. The stronger the solution, the better. When