5 Strategies to Stop Racoons From Destroying Your Lawn

Are pesky raccoons wreaking havoc on your once-pristine lawn? Don’t fret; you’re not alone in facing this common backyard dilemma.

Raccoons, with their cunning and curiosity, can turn a lush green lawn into a chaotic mess. But fear not!

In this blog post, we’ll unveil a set of effective strategies to put an end to their destructive antics and reclaim your outdoor paradise.

From humane deterrents to smart landscaping choices, we’ve got you covered with solutions that’ll leave your lawn raccoon-free and flourishing once again.

Say goodbye to raccoon-induced lawn woes and hello to a pristine backyard haven!

How to Stop Racoons From Destroying Your Lawn

Here are some strategies to stop raccoons from destroying your lawn:

1. Make It Hard for Them to Dig

Raccoons are notorious for their lawn-digging antics, driven by their insatiable quest for grubs and other insects hiding beneath the surface.

Fortunately, you can take proactive measures to thwart their destructive pursuits.

Start by applying a reliable grub control product to your lawn; this not only reduces the raccoons’ food source but also makes it less appealing.

Additionally, consider covering the affected areas with sturdy chicken wire or mesh, creating a protective barrier that discourages raccoons from digging further.

With these strategies in place, you’ll not only save your lawn from their mischief but also help maintain a healthier, grub-free turf.

2. Secure Trash Cans

Raccoons are notorious for their attraction to garbage, often rummaging through trash cans in search of a meal.

To deter these curious critters effectively, it’s essential to ensure that your trash cans are securely closed and cannot be easily opened. Invest in tightly sealed lids or even bungee cords to fasten the lids shut.

Consider placing heavy objects on top of the cans or storing them in a secure enclosure if possible.

By taking these precautions, you’ll not only protect your property from raccoon-induced messes but also help maintain a cleaner and more raccoon-resistant outdoor environment.

3. Remove Other Food Sources

Raccoons have a keen sense of smell and are drawn to various sources of food in your outdoor space. To minimize their attraction, it’s crucial to take steps to make these food sources less accessible to raccoons.

Ensure that pet food is kept indoors or in secure containers, and avoid leaving it outside overnight. Consider installing raccoon-resistant bird feeders or bringing them in during the evening hours.

When it comes to compost piles, use secure bins or enclosures to prevent raccoons from digging in.

By addressing these potential food sources, you’ll discourage raccoons from frequenting your property and reduce the chances of damage and mess.

Alternatively, you can refer to our comprehensive guide on ‘How to get rid of Raccoons.’

4. Use Repellents

There exists a range of effective repellents, both natural and chemical, to keep raccoons at bay and safeguard your property from their intrusions.

Notable examples include ammonia, which can be strategically placed to deter raccoons with its pungent odor, and hot pepper spray, which creates an unpleasant sensation on their sensitive paws and discourages them from coming back.

Another option is predator urine, such as coyote or fox urine, which simulates the presence of potential threats in the area, causing raccoons to think twice before venturing onto your property.

Exploring these repellent options can prove instrumental in maintaining a raccoon-free environment around your home.

5. Install an Electric Fence

When raccoons are targeting your garden or fruit trees, installing an electric fence can be a highly effective solution to deter them.

An electric fence creates a powerful deterrent by delivering a mild shock when raccoons come into contact with it, teaching them to stay away from the protected area. To ensure its effectiveness, follow these steps:

A – Choose the right fence: Select an electric fence specifically designed for deterring raccoons, which typically includes features like low-voltage shock and visibility flags to warn wildlife.

B – Proper installation: Set up the fence around the perimeter of the garden or orchard, ensuring it’s at the right height and properly grounded.

C – Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain the electric fence to keep it in working order.

By using an electric fence, you can safeguard your garden and fruit trees from raccoon damage effectively, allowing your plants to thrive undisturbed.

Other Natural Ways to Deter Raccoons from Your Lawn

In addition to the previously mentioned methods, there are several other natural ways to deter raccoons from your lawn and prevent them from causing damage. Here are some additional strategies:

  1. Citrus Peels: Raccoons dislike the scent of citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. Scatter citrus peels around your lawn, especially in areas where raccoons have been active. The strong citrus odor can act as a natural repellent.

  2. Epsom Salt: Sprinkling Epsom salt on your lawn can help deter raccoons. The bitter taste and rough texture of the salt can be unpleasant for raccoons when they walk on it. Be cautious not to use too much, as excessive salt can harm your grass.

  3. Loud Noises: Raccoons are nocturnal creatures and prefer quiet environments. You can use motion-activated devices that emit loud noises or play recordings of predators like owls or coyotes to scare them away.

  4. Automatic Lights: Install motion-activated lights around your property. Raccoons are less likely to approach a well-lit area as they prefer darkness. This can also enhance security.

  5. Scented Repellents: Aside from ammonia and hot pepper spray, there are commercial repellents available with strong scents that raccoons find offensive. Look for products that contain ingredients like garlic, castor oil, or mint, and apply them to your lawn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

  6. Ultrasonic Devices: Ultrasonic repellent devices emit high-frequency sounds that are irritating to raccoons but generally imperceptible to humans. These devices can be an effective long-term solution for keeping raccoons away.

  7. Predator Decoys: Place decoys of natural raccoon predators, such as fake owls or large plastic predatory birds, in your yard. Raccoons may think twice about entering an area if they believe a potential threat is nearby.

  8. Regular Yard Maintenance: Keeping your lawn well-maintained can deter raccoons. Trim overgrown vegetation, remove debris, and eliminate potential hiding spots like brush piles.

Do not forget that raccoons are intelligent and adaptable creatures, so it may take a combination of these natural deterrents to effectively keep them away from your lawn.

Be patient and persistent in your efforts, and monitor the situation to ensure your chosen methods are working effectively.

If Nothing Works Call for Professional Help

If raccoon troubles persist despite your efforts, it’s best to call a professional wildlife removal service.

They can safely and humanely handle the situation, ensuring your property remains free from raccoon damage while safeguarding the animals involved.