Raccoons in the Attic: Removal and Prevention Strategies

Discovering raccoons in your attic can be a challenging and potentially hazardous situation for homeowners. These resourceful creatures are known for their ability to infiltrate attics, causing a range of problems from structural damage to health risks.

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of raccoons in attics, exploring the reasons behind their presence, the risks they pose, and effective methods for removal and prevention.

Whether you’re currently dealing with a raccoon infestation or looking to safeguard your home, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights and practical solutions.

How to Remove Raccoons from an Attic

Here are some tips for effectively removing raccoons from your attic:

  1. Use Raccoon Eviction Fluid: Employ Raccoon Eviction Fluid, a predator scent that signals the presence of a male raccoon. This scent warns mother raccoons about potential danger to their kits, encouraging them to relocate their family elsewhere.

  2. Trap the Baby Raccoons: Begin by safely removing the litter of raccoon pups. This humane method involves wearing heavy gloves to pick up the young raccoons and gently placing them in a box or pillowcase to ensure their safety.

  3. Create an Unwelcoming Environment: Modify the attic environment to make it less appealing to raccoons. Utilize strategies such as using light, generating noise, and employing specific repellents to discourage their presence.

  4. Seal off Entry Points: A crucial step in raccoon removal is sealing all known entry points. To identify these openings, conduct a thorough attic inspection. By sealing every potential access point, you significantly reduce the chances of raccoons re-entering your attic.

  5. Hire a Professional: While removing raccoons yourself may seem straightforward, it often involves risks. Engaging the services of a specialist who can locate, remove, and properly clean up after raccoons is often the quickest and safest way to rid your attic of these unwanted guests.

It’s essential to note that removing a mother raccoon without addressing her kits can lead to distressing sounds from the young raccoons, resembling yelping or chirping.

Neglecting the babies may result in their death within the attic, necessitating dead animal removal services.

Alternatively, you can refer to our comprehensive guide on ‘How to get rid of Raccoons.’

Risks of Having Raccoons in the Attic

Having raccoons in the attic can pose several risks to both your health and your home. Here are some of the dangers associated with raccoons in the attic:

  1. Health Risks: Raccoon droppings can contain harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, which humans can contract through contact with contaminated surfaces or by inhaling airborne particles. Raccoons can also carry raccoon roundworm, which can cause serious health problems if ingested. Additionally, raccoons can harbor fleas, ticks, and other parasites that may infest your home.

  2. Structural Damage: Raccoons are known to cause extensive damage to your home’s structure. They chew and bite the framework, and they can tear through shingles, roof decking, fascia, and soffit, potentially creating openings for water to enter and cause mold issues. Raccoons can also harm HVAC ducts and wooden structures. If they damage wiring, it can create a fire hazard.

  3. Fire Hazard: Raccoons can chew through electrical wiring, which poses a significant fire hazard.

  4. Noise Pollution: Raccoons can be quite noisy, especially at night when they are most active. Their scratching, thumping, and vocalizations can disrupt your sleep and lead to stress.

It’s essential to promptly tackle a raccoon infestation in your attic to minimize the potential for additional damage and health hazards.

How to Disinfect an Attic After a Raccoon Infestation

These are the steps to effectively disinfect an attic following a raccoon infestation:

Wear Protective Gear: Prior to commencing the cleaning process, ensure you are equipped with protective gear, including gloves, a mask, and goggles. This gear is essential to shield yourself from potential contact with raccoon feces and urine, which may contain harmful bacteria.

Remove Raccoon Waste: Carefully collect the raccoon droppings and any adjacent insulation or materials using a shovel or scoop. Place this material inside a heavy-duty garbage bag and seal it thoroughly to prevent further contamination.

Clean the Attic: After disposing of the raccoon waste, perform a thorough cleaning of the attic. Utilize an enzyme-based cleaner designed to eliminate biohazardous organic material. Spray the entire area with an antimicrobial spray or employ an atomizer and a specialized enzyme cleaner to ensure comprehensive disinfection of all surfaces.

Dispose of Waste: Adhere to your local regulations for the proper disposal of the garbage bag containing the raccoon waste. Some areas may require specific disposal methods for biohazardous waste.

Prevent Future Infestations: To deter future raccoon infestations, seal off any potential entry points that raccoons may have used to access your attic. Additionally, consider installing deterrents such as motion-activated lights or noise machines to discourage raccoons from entering your home.

It is vital to recognize that cleaning up after a raccoon infestation can be hazardous, and if you are uncertain about how to do it safely, it is advisable to seek professional assistance.

How to Prevent Raccoons from Entering the Attic

Here are additional effective methods to prevent raccoons from entering your attic:

  • Seal off Entry Points: To thwart raccoons from gaining attic access, thoroughly seal all known entry points. A comprehensive attic inspection is crucial to identify every potential opening. Once sealed, this significantly reduces the chances of raccoon intrusion.

  • Use Light and Noise: Raccoons are averse to bright lights and loud noises. Install an ultrasound animal repeller to deter raccoons and other critters. You can also place radios with high-volume settings and spotlights in dark areas of your attic to make it less inviting to raccoons.

  • Store Food Properly: Prevent raccoons from being lured by securing garbage cans with lock-tight lids and storing pet food in robust, tightly sealed plastic containers.

  • Trim Trees and Vegetation: Raccoons often utilize overhanging branches and vegetation to access roofs and attics. Trim trees and vegetation to deny raccoons a climbing route to your roof.

  • Use Raccoon Eviction Fluid: Employing raccoon eviction fluid is an effective means of ridding your attic of raccoons. This predator scent signals the presence of a male raccoon, alerting mother raccoons to potential danger. Properly placed, it encourages mother raccoons to relocate their families elsewhere.

By implementing these methods, you can prevent raccoons from infiltrating your attic and causing damage to your home.